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MessageSujet: ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS   ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS EmptyVen 13 Sep 2019 - 3:43


ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS

  L'Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS)

L'Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS) est un Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers (OSU), une école interne (art. L713-9 du Code de l'Education) de l’Université de Strasbourg (Unistra), ainsi qu’une Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 7550) entre l’Université de Strasbourg et le CNRS. 
Son statut d’OSU (voir décret n°85-657 du 27 juin 1985) place l’Observatoire astronomique au cœur du dispositif national mis en œuvre par l’INSU. Il héberge deux Services Nationaux d’Observation (SNO): le Survey Science Centre d’XMM-Newton (SSC-XMM) et le Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), par ailleurs labellisé "Infrastructure de Recherche" (IR) par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche. L'ObAS participe à d'autres SNOs: SVOM, Grands Relevés Spectroscopiques avec WEAVE, Gaia, et le modèle de la Galaxie de Besançon.

Composante à part entière de l'Unistra, l' Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg gère la parcours astrophysique (M2) du Master Physique spécialité Astrophysique, hébergé par la faculté de physique et ingénierie.

En tant qu'unité de recherche, l'ObAS est structuré en deux équipes scientifiques, l'équipe GALHECOS et le CDS. 
L’Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg a pour mission de contribuer aux progrès de la connaissance par :
l'acquisition de données d'observation
le développement et l'exploitation de moyens appropriés
l'élaboration des outils théoriques nécessaires
Il est par conséquent également chargé :
de fournir des services liés à son activité de recherche
d'assurer la formation des étudiants et des personnels de recherche
d'assurer la diffusion des connaissances
des activités de coopération internationale
L’Observatoire actuel a été construit en 1881 et héberge la 3e plus grande lunette de France par sa taille ainsi que le Planétarium de Strasbourg dont il a eu la responsabilité de 1986 à 2008, et désormais intégré au Jardin des Sciences de l'Université de Strasbourg. Il dispose également d’un riche patrimoine d’instruments et d’ouvrage anciens. Par ailleurs, il a mis en place, dans l'une des petites coupoles, une plateforme pédagogique d'observation, composée de deux télescopes couplés de 36cm permettant de faire de l'imagerie et de la spectroscopie. 

L'Observatoire sur la toile :
à l'Université de Strasbourg
sur Wikipedia et Wikimedia (photos)
dans le journal de l'Université de Strasbourg
sur facebook (page non officielle)



L'Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg est situé sur le campus historique de l'Université de Strasbourg. Il a été fondé en 1881. C'est un établissement de recherche et d'enseignement, qui contient également le Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Le planétarium faisait partie de l'Observatoire jusqu'en 2008.

Les activités de recherche sont organisées autour de trois équipes scientifiques :

Astrophysique des hautes énergies : physique des astres compacts en fin d'évolution, accrétion, éjection et phénomènes magnétohydrodynamiques.
Galaxies : populations stellaires, propriétés chimiques et dynamiques de la Galaxie et des galaxies proches, milieu intergalactique, grandes structures, et dynamique gravitationnelle.
Méthodes de gestion de l'information et exploitation scientifique des grands relevés, en relation avec le centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg.

Services d'Observatoire
L'observatoire est membre du consortium Survey Science Center de la mission XMM-Newton, mais c'est probablement le Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) qui contribue le plus à la renommée de l'établissement.

Diffusion des connaissances
C'est essentiellement le planétarium qui a pour vocation la vulgarisation et la diffusion des connaissances. Depuis 2008, il appartient à l'Université. L’Observatoire maintient cependant une forte activité de diffusion de la culture scientifique et technique lors de divers évènements, comme les journées du patrimoine ou la fête de la science.

En 2015, le personnel comprenait 7 maîtres de conférences et professeurs d'université, 11 astronomes adjoints et astronomes, 10 chargés de recherche et directeurs de recherche CNRS, 2 émérites, 26 ingénieurs, techniciens ou administratifs (dont 16 CNRS), 14 doctorants. Avec le personnel temporaire, c'est en moyenne 80 personnes qui travaillent sur le site.

Dernière édition par Sph3re le Ven 13 Sep 2019 - 4:30, édité 1 fois
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Age : 46

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MessageSujet: Re: ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS   ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS EmptyVen 13 Sep 2019 - 3:55


Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)

Le CDS offre comme service :

Simbad (identification, bibliographie de 9 millions d'objets, hors système solaire),

VizieR (service de catalogues),

Aladin (atlas du ciel donnant accès à plus de 5 téraoctet d'images
et servant de portail à l'observatoire virtuel,

et service de bibliographie des journaux astronomiques de référence.



Dernière édition par Sph3re le Ven 13 Sep 2019 - 4:32, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 916
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Date d'inscription : 21/05/2015
Age : 46

ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS   ObAS---Observatoire-Astronomique-de-Strasbourg-ObAS EmptyVen 13 Sep 2019 - 3:57


SIMBAD Astronomical Database - CDS (Strasbourg)

- - -

What is SIMBAD ?
This SIMBAD user's guide
The Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)
Contents of the data base
Updating SIMBAD
Most common misunderstandings about SIMBAD
SIMBAD features
Documentation on the World-Wide Web

The SIMBAD database is managed by the Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS).

SIMBAD is the acronym for: S et
of I dentifications,
M easurements
and B ibliography
for A stronomical
D ata.
The SIMBAD software is developped by Marc Wenger, Anaïs Oberto (CDS, Strasbourg).
with contributions of the following students during trainings:
Jean-Philippe Lejal (Université de Nancy, F), Sylvaine Jaehn, Benoît Baranne (Université Technologique de Belfort-Montbeliard, F), Mathieu Hatt (Université de Strasbourg), XXX, Tristan Baudet (Haute Ecole Renequin Suelem, Liège, Belgique)

The updating of SIMBAD is a continuous process resulting from a collaboration with the following institutes:

bibliography: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Observatoire de Paris, GRAAL (Montpellier) and Observatoire de Toulouse

2 This SIMBAD user's guide
The present User's guide describes the SIMBAD software which is operational since December 2006.
Part I tells you how to access the SIMBAD database, and gives some general informations.

Part II is a short User's Guide containing all you need to know for querying SIMBAD.

Finally, the last part gives some additional useful tables.

Comments and suggestions are welcome concerning the software or this User's Guide (for instance by sending a message to: cds-question(at)

3 The Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)
The CDS is located at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (France). CDS is operated under an agreement between French Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU) and Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (ULP). CDS staff created and implemented the SIMBAD data base and maintain its data and software system.
in 1972, SIMBAD was created by merging the Catalog of Stellar Identifications (CSI) and the Bibliographic Star Index (see References) as they existed at the Meudon Computer Centre until 1979. The resulting data base was then expanded by the addition of source data from the many catalogs connected to the CSI and by new literature references. The database was extended to galaxies and other non-stellar objects in 1983.

In 1981, the first on-line interactive version of SIMBAD was released at the Centre de Calcul de Strasbourg-Cronenbourg (CCSC) and operated there until December 1984, when it was moved to the Paris-Sud Informatique (PSI) Univac 1190 computer at Orsay, France and operated there until June 30, 1990.

In 1990, the SIMBAD database was moved to the Strasbourg Observatory running on Unix workstations, first a DEC 5400 station, and finally a SPARC E450 station with four processors). The database management system of SIMBAD has been developed by the CDS, using the concepts of object-oriented programming. The term SIMBAD in this User's Guide will refer both to the data base itself and to the software system used.

In 2006, a new release (SIMBAD 4) has been developped in JAVA language, and using the open source PostgreSQL DBMS. It runs on three Linux PCs, devoted to 1. the web interface, servlets and web services, 2. the SIMBAD server and 3. the postgres database.

4 Contents of the data base
The SIMBAD data base presently (June 2016) contains information for:

about 4,500,000 stars;
about 3,500,000 nonstellar objects (galaxies, planetary nebulae, clusters, novae and supernovae, etc.).
The only astronomical objects specifically excluded from SIMBAD are Solar System bodies.

For each object, the following data are included when available (see chapter 15 for more details):

basic data:
stars: object types, coordinates, proper motion, radial velocities, parallaxes, spectral type, magnitudes and fluxes for several wavelengths and notes;
Coordinates are stored in the ICRS system.
galaxies: object types, coordinates, redshifts, integrated magnitudes and fluxes for several wavelengths, morphological type, and dimension;
cross identifications of stars and galaxies from more than 12000 source catalogues and tables, either completely or partially included in the data base. A complete list of the nomenclature used is available as the Second Reference Dictionary of the Nomenclature of Celestial Objects outside the Solar System (Lortet et al., 1994) and on-line at
observational data (also called measurements), for about thirty different data types. A list of these types is given in the Appendix G.
general bibliography for the object, including references to all published papers from the journals regularly scanned (currently about 80 titles), and access to abstracts for a few recent periodicals (A&A, ApJ, AJ, PASP). Articles are scanned in their entirety, and references to all objects mentioned are included in the bibliography. A link is provided to the ADS services as well as the journal sites.
The updating of SIMBAD is a continuous daily process performed through a collaboration with the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, the Paris and Toulouse Observatories and the GRAAL/Montpellier.
The references are updated very soon after reception of the journal issues, and in some cases directly from the journal table of contents, through agreements with the Editors.

A more complete description of the contents of SIMBAD is given in chapter 15.

5 Updating SIMBAD
What is SIMBAD, and what is it not ?
The purpose of Simbad is to provide information on astronomical objects of interest which have been studied in scientific articles.

Simbad is a dynamic database, updated every working day.

It provides the bibliography, as well as available basic information such as the nature of the object, its coordinates, magnitudes, proper motions and parallax, velocity/redshift, size, spectral or morphological type, and the multitude of names (identifiers) given in the literature. The CDS team also performs cross-identifications based on the compatibility of several parameters, in the limit of a reasonably good astrometry.

Simbad is a meta-compilation built from what is published in the literature, and from our expertise on cross-identifications. By construction it is highly inhomogeneous as data come from any kind of instruments at all wavelenghts with any resolution and astrometry, and different names from one publication to another.

Simbad is not a catalogue, and should not be used as a catalogue. The CDS also provides the VizieR database which contains published lists of objects, as well as most very large surveys. The idea now is to use both Simbad and VizieR as completary research tools.

The data contained in SIMBAD are also permanently updated, as a result of errata, remarks from the librarians (during the scanning of the literature), quality controls, or special efforts from the CDS team to better cover some specific domains (e.g., multiwavelength emitters and complex objects). Requests for corrections, errata, or suggestions are regularly received from SIMBAD users through a dedicated e-mail address (cds-question(at)

Corrections of errors are made under the responsibility of CDS astronomers coordinated by Gérard Jasniewicz. All the remarks received from the users are very welcome, as they help us to improve the database contents through the scrutiny of specialists' eyes.

6 SIMBAD features
The SIMBAD database can be queried by

identifiers (names of astronomical objects),
coordinates (retrieving all objects in a given direction, also called query by cone) and
sampling criteria.

7 Documentation on the World-Wide Web
Documentation and news about SIMBAD and related CDS activities can be found on the World-Wide Web. The ``SIMBAD home page'' gives access to the following documents:

Hypertext version of the SIMBAD User's Guide
Recent news concerning the database
and more...
Moreover, every query form web page has a link to a dedicated help page, and may have at its top some hot news, and at its bottom a short description of the query form usage.


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